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Dear McAuley Families
As I communicated in our COVID update earlier this week we seem to be experiencing a rise in case numbers among students and staff currently. I am enormously grateful to our teaching and support staff who are being very flexible in taking on extra classes and duties to support others. Whilst we are trying to keep student days as normal as possible we are also attempting to ‘let go’ of events and items that could be held at another time to lessen stress and anxiety. If numbers are low in classes then we will combine the groups to be able to assist with teacher supervision.
I also ask that you continue to be aware of the most current NSW Health Advice, in particular the rules around isolation as we are experiencing a number of queries. It is required that you notify the school and NSW Health if your child tests positive.
I am hopeful that as we ride this wave and get to the end of term we might be able to get back to normal as Term 2 begins. Again, I thank you all for your constant support and good sense in keeping our vulnerable community members as safe as possible.
This week is our Wellbeing Week and I implore our families to take the time to do something special for your own and your family’s wellbeing and mental health this week.
The graphic included in this Newsletter makes a great talking point… our self talk can make a big difference to our resilience and attitude. Headspace write that self talk has become one of the most prominent topics in psychology in recent years. They quote studies that suggest “how we speak to ourselves has a powerful impact on our mental and physical health, including weight control, managing stress and improving sports and academic performance…”
( There is a particular emphasis on meditation and relaxation, which pleasingly is one of our strategic directions in the coming year or two. More to come!
We recently advertised a parenting boy’s webinar by Justin Coulson and I am pleased to hear a number of families registered to take part. Whilst the content dealt with good practice for boys, I firmly believe the message applies to both our boys and girls. Justin advised that the 5 things most needed by our sons (and daughters) are:
- Good mates and good role models
- Freedom to move and get physical
- The chance to learn
- Time to be still
- Opportunities to help others
Building these opportunities into school and family life surely help us all as parents and educators to support the growth of well balanced, capable and generous community members.
Prayers and best wishes for our students who celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this week. Thank you to Miss Mason, Mrs Bathgate and Ms Bruce for their work at school and our families for their support and preparation at home.
This week we also have students involved in Primary Rugby Gala Day and Archdiocesan Netball and Rugby League Trials in Canberra. Best wishes to all involved in these events.
Best wishes to Mr Ellison and the students attending the Sydney Royal Easter Show next week with our McAuley chickens. It is so nice to be able to get back to community and educational events.
Don’t forget Community Council Meeting to be held next Thursday 7 April at 5.00pm in Secondary Room 1 (S1) located behind the staff area. We are keen for parents to see the work that has been done on the Secondary side and to establish a Working Party to plan and develop our grounds and outdoor spaces. Please encourage our new families to attend – “bring a friend along!”
Next term begins with Anzac Day and there will be communication and details sent home about our involvement in ANZAC ceremonies and the Annual March. I trust that the celebration of the Easter Season will be a special time for families to gather and give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy living in this beautiful and peaceful part of the world. My prayers are for continued good health and safety for all in our community.
Following ANZAC Day holiday on Monday 25 April we will hold a staff spirituality day on Tuesday 26 April with classes resuming K-10 for Term 2 on Wednesday 27 April.
Mary our Mother… Look after us.

Next Sunday, 10th April it is Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week. Holy Week is a very sacred time of the year, for it is during this week that we will commemorate and remember the last week of Jesus' life on this earth. The greatest focus of the week is the suffering and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the events that led up to it.
All welcome to be part of the significant Liturgical events during Holy week:
Holy Thursday Mass: 6pm
Good Friday: 3pm
Easter Saturday Vigil: 6pm
Easter Sunday Mass: 10am
A Lenten Prayer By Mother Theresa
It Is Between You And God
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
Throughout the world, faithful communities will gather next Sunday, 10th April, to remember the significance of Jesus’ decision to return to Jerusalem. This was for Jesus, a deliberate choice to enter the Holy City, knowing that this would mark the beginning of His suffering, passion and ultimate death. Jesus surrenders with confidence to God’s never-failing love. In the life and death of Jesus we see the way God honoured and reverenced the trust and surrender of Jesus. God journeyed with him, strengthening, affirming, guiding and living in him. So, as we begin our journey through Holy Week let us be aware of the trust and surrender of Jesus into God’s unconditional love, and how that faith and reliance was met with such constant love as to give hope and bring about what was considered impossible. Let us remember also, that the story of Jesus does not end with the resurrection, rather it continues in our lives and is seen and felt when we make love present and possible, when we trust in the unconditional love of God and shape our lives in that hope.
Let us pray.
God of infinite love,
May we by our faithful remembrance of Jesus’ passion,
Be drawn ever more deeply into the mystery of your generous love. We make this prayer through Jesus your Son, who reigns as our eternal King.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a very special time in the lives of the children of our Parish. Throughout this term students in Year 3 have been preparing for this Sacrament with their parents by attending Sacramental meetings and parish masses. On Thursday 31st March, these students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Let us pray.
Dear God, we ask your blessing on the children who have recieved the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We asked your blessing too on their families. We ask this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Please make note of the following events which will be happening early Term 2:
- Week 2, Friday 6th May - Primary Mother's Day Stall.
- Week 2, Tuesday 3rd May - School Photos
- Week 3, Tuesday 10th May - Term 1 Whole School Assembly at 2pm
As part of their PDHPE unit our 5/6 students have designed some games that promote physical activity. They have been implementing these at lunch times.
Zoe, Paige and Olivia taught their game ‘Bomb Tag’. Such a fun game!!

Some beautiful photos of Kinder working on art and craft with the help of their Year 6 buddies.

The Year 1 classroom received new shelving this week, assembled by Rahn, Noah, Daniel and Jaden from Year 9 and Tyler Year 6.

There was a great variety of workwear for Chisholm Day - Come dressed as your Future Career. Thank you to students and families for your kind donations towards a new refrigerated bubbler for the school. The day raised $291.

Daniel Peacock and Layla Evans were our radio announcers last week. What an awesome job they did!

Tickets have been sent home this week for our Easter Raffle. Please contact the Primary office if you would like to purchase more tickets.
NSW Basketball are holding two amazing FREE camps for children aged 4.5 – 18 years (IAAG) and 8 – 21 (IBAC) during the first week of the school holidays.
We would appreciate if you could distribute the attached flyers and relevant information below via newsletters, social media pages or skookbag apps to encourage as many participants as possible.
We are so glad to be jumping on court with our first I AM A GIRL come and try session in Tumut.
Our free girls-only session is aimed at new or returning basketballers that want to learn some new skills and have a fun morning making new friends. Ages 4.5-18 years.
Come N Try with Tumut Basketball
: Tumut Basketball Stadium Elm Street
: Tuesday 12th April
: 9.30 - 10.30am 4.5-7yrs
⏰ : 10.45 -12.45pm 8-18yrs
The I AM A GIRL Program is supported by the NSW Government's Strategic Focus on women and girls in sport through the #HerSportHerWay program and is a part of the overall NSW Legacy Program Pillars with a number of activations being rolled out each year leading up to the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 with the Office of Sport.
We are so excited to host a FREE Basketball NSW & Indigenous Basketball Australia Camp on Wednesday 13 April 22.
This camp will give participants a chance to hone their skills and learn no matter if they are just starting out or know their way around a basketball court. Suitable for beginners to representative and for indigenous players ages 8-21 years.
This free program is a part of the overall NSW Legacy Program Pillars with a number of activations that will be rolled out each year leading up to the @FIBAWWC 2022.
Register today via the link below to secure your spot - we can't wait to see everyone back on the court. Don't forget your drink bottle!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact STEPHANIE JAMES on 0412 672 201.