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- ENROLMENTS FOR 2021 (Kindergarten to Year 10)
Dear McAuley Families
We continue to work towards a much needed holiday break. Please be sure that your sons and daughters are well organised and on top of things as time moves on. Being well organised and having due dates bring security and comfort as part of our daily lives. Teachers are working to have reports ready to go home on Thursday Week 10 (02 July) which will be followed by parent Teacher Interviews in Term 3.
Secondary Reports will provide results on all Subject areas with an A - E grade with no comments. Primary Reports will grade the subjects of Religion, English and Mathematics on an A - E scale and will have no comments.
Uniform Sub-Committee: Thank you to those who responded and sent their thoughts to the Uniform Survey that closed yesterday. This is the first step in our consultation process and will inform next directions and plans for a uniform that is current, affordable and promotes a sense of unity for our students.
Community Council AGM: A reminder about our Community Council AGM to be held in the Secondary Staffroom today (Thursday) at 5.00pm.
School Fees: A reminder that fee payments are due for those who do not contribute via regular direct debit. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me should fees be an issue for your family.
Enrol Now: We are working on our 2021 Enrolment campaign in the local press and radio. Afternoon Open Tours are available in the coming weeks for families to tour the school and find out more about what McAuley can offer. Please encourage family and friends to contact the school to book.
I visited the Year 6 classes at Adelong, Batlow and Gundagai this week as well as meeting the Gundagai Community Council to promote Year 7 as an excellent choice for Secondary Education. It was terrific to be so warmly welcomed by our local Catholic Schools and highlight the quality programs offered at McAuley.
Please encourage those family and friends you know with children starting Kindergarten or Year 7 next year to book a tour and complete an application online.
Kindergarten 2021/Primary School Open Tours:
Wednesday and Thursday 24 & 25 June: 3.30 - 4.00 & 4.00 – 4.30pm.
Year 7, 2021/Secondary School Open Tours:
Wednesday & Thursday 01 & 02 July: 3.30 – 4.00 & 4.00 – 4.30pm.
Year 7, 2021 Orientation Day (Try a Day at McAuley):
Wednesday 01 July.
The school website has more details and online applications are encouraged. Information and Application Packs are available at the School office/s.
Mary our Mother… Look After Us.
Eamonn Moore
Please note: Monday 20th July - will be a Pupil Free Day. All staff will be involved in Spiritual Development.
We continue to enforce higher-level hygiene and cleaning standards at McAuley. Please remember:
- If your child displays any signs of illness, cold or flu like symptoms they should stay at home.
- If they are referred to the school office/s their temperature will be checked and you will be asked to collect them.
- Physical distancing measures are not necessary amongst pupils but will be maintained in staffrooms and common areas for school staff and other adults.
- Hard copy assignments and teacher feedback processes are modified.
- Students are to bring their own drink bottle and fill it from the cold tap – no access to bubblers.
- Parents are discouraged from attending the school office/s and school common areas if at all possible.
- Parents are discouraged from congregating outside the school (Primary Pick Up Area) etc.
- There will be no school assemblies/masses or excursions this term.
- We are working on minimal movement for high school and primary school classes between rooms and areas.
- Increased hygiene and hand washing will be encouraged – each classroom with anti-bacterial hand wash.
- Cleaning of environmental spaces (Primary Equipment) and shared materials will be increased.
- Increased cleaning of school bathrooms and shared areas will take place.
ENROLMENTS FOR 2021 (Kindergarten to Year 10)
Kindergarten 2021/Primary School Open Tours:
Wednesday and Thursday 24 & 25 June: 3.30pm - 4.00pm & 4.00pm – 4.30pm
Year 7, 2021/Secondary School Open Tours:
Wednesday & Thursday 01 & 02 July: 3.30pm – 4.00pm & 4.00pm – 4.30pm.
Year 7, 2021 Orientation Day (Try a Day at McAuley):
Wednesday 01 July.
Please click on the link (below) for online enrolment or call into either office for a hard-copy enrolment form.
Please contact the school office for any enquiries - we are all here to help assist you with your decision.
From the 8th June, Masses are being held at the following times:
Day | Time | Place |
Tuesday | 10am | Presbytery Chapel |
Wednesday | 10am | Presbytery Chapel |
Thursday | 8am | Presbytery Chapel |
Friday | 8am | Presbytery Chapel |
Saturday - Vigil | 5pm | Immaculate Conception Church |
Sunday | 10am | Immaculate Conception Church |
Class Masses will also recommence in Week 9 with 7.1 leading the way on Wednesday at 10am.
All are most welcome!
For those families who do not contribute via regular direct debit, term 2 school fees are now due. As always, please do not hesitate to contact the Principal if school fees become an issue for your family.
You may remember in a previous newsletter we published Year 9's Jacob Ambrose's poem Fire Monster. Jacob entered it in the Write 4 Fun competition and has received an Achievement Award in recognition of successfully completing the first round of judging! This means he is in the running for first prize which will be drawn 24th June. The really good news is that Jacob has had an offer to be published in the book The Inside Story, which will have many stories and poems from students all over Australia. Congratulations Jacob we are very proud of you.
- Fran Clarke, Secondary English
Fire Monster
I wake extra early to a chaotic scene,
The stench of smoke fills my nostrils, the thickest it’s been.
The sky is glowing red and the smoke is hanging thick,
This unrelenting monster is getting close and travelling quick.
It’s burnt the local pine plantation and heading for our town,
We must evacuate this morning and head to safer ground.
Our modest country town is deserted and forlorn,
Only the brave remain behind to fight this firestorm.
Fierce, flaming fireballs are fed by the ferocious gusts,
I see fear in my parents faces, how will we adjust?
I pray harder than ever that our town will be spared,
But my faith is being tested, despite being well prepared.
It’s a battle for survival, a fight that’s hard to win,
But we are a strong, united community and unwilling to give in.
In the months to come, we will revive,
All that matters, for now, is that we survive.
Students in Year 3.4C have had a great hands-on lesson during Mathematics. Using measured weights, the children estimated the weight of various packages of food. They then used kitchen scales to find the correct weight of the packages. How many of you guessed the correct weight?

Last Tuesday four students from Year 1, Billy, Jasper, Brianna and Bobby had a party at school to celebrate completing Level 1 of the MiniLit Program.
They have now finished 40 of the 80 MiniLit Lessons and will embark on Level 2 on Wednesday.
Billy, Jasper, Brianna and Bobby didn't miss a lesson during online learning and completed their MiniLit Lessons via video every day with the ongoing support of their parents.
This is a mammoth effort from these four students who should be congratulated on their success.Ms Wendy Hill
As part of their Science unit, the students were asked to design and make a system to protect an egg from a 2-metre drop. Great work 5H! Love your ideas.

Enjoying fitness games, the students had fun with the parachute, skipping with ropes and a great circuit organised for the Kinder students. Thanks Year 6 for being great buddies!

We are excited our grant application of $500 was successful from MLHD Health Promotion/NSW Health Murrumbidgee Local Health District and Live Life Well @ School. These funds will go towards new resources for the Fitness Activities on the Primary Campus. They will also go toward providing a small, seedling green house for our Vegetable Garden - promoting FUN, FITNESS & HEALTHY EATING!
Congratulations to talented Year 8 student Rory Phillips who has just released a new single and his first ever music video, addressing climate change issues.
Please enjoy some pics of our students Living Life Well @ McAuley and enjoying the beautiful sunshine.

Students have come up with some great ideas to improve their play time at school.

To provide a fun, physical brain break opportunity in our classrooms, we are seeking the donation of a FREE STANDING SPIN BIKE. Suitable for the seat to be adjusted to various heights and in good condition.
If you have one available please send a photo and we can arrange collection.
Thank you in anticipation.
Hats are not a requirement for play during June/July. Of course, your child can still wear their hat if they like.