McAuley Catholic College Tumut
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33-39 Capper Street
Tumut NSW 2720

Phone: 02 6947 2000


McAuley has again been invited to participate in the Netball NSW Schools Cup.
The Netball NSW Schools Cup is an initiative for all New South Wales school students in Years 3-6 to experience and enjoy netball in a fun and safe environment. The Netball NSW Schools Cup features teams competing in round robin carnivals at local Schools Cup days across the state. 

Years 3/4 students participate in a Gala Day and is the perfect opportunity to experience netball with modified NetSetGO rules without the pressures of competition.

For year 5/6 students, teams will be divided into pools with the overall winners progressing to a regional final in Wagga. The winner of the Riverina Regional Shield will progress to the state final to be held in Sydney, with teams competing from all over NSW.

The local School Cup day will be held on Wednesday 23rd of March at the Tumut Netball Courts.
Students will be required to be dropped off at the courts at 8.30am as games will commence at 9am.
The students will be supervised by McAuley Primary staff and are to meet them at 8.30am for roll call.
All games will be completed by 3:00pm or before depending on the number of teams entered. We will know exact times when the draw is released closer to the event.
Parents will be required to pick up their child from the courts or provide written permission if their child is to walk home. Otherwise, all students will be walked back to school and be dismissed at the completion of the school day.

There is a small cost of $5.00 per student to cover registration costs. Payments are to be made via Qkr!

Please complete the online consent IN COMPASS and pay the registration fee if you would like your child to attend.